Waiting tables is not an easy task and requires strong feet to endure serving well to customers. A waiter or waitress needs a good pair of slip-resistant shoes, especially black ones. Given that they spend quite a lot of time on their feet, they need the perfect pair of slip-resistant shoes to stop them from straining their feet. Essentially, the right slip-resistant shoes are ones that give you comfort, and, more importantly, keep you from slipping as well as allow you to wear them for a long duration of time without any injury. One common rule that restaurants require of their employees is that they have to wear black restaurant shoes, which are either nonslip or exclusively slip-resistant. The slip-resistant shoes are not only for waiters or waitresses, they are also required for hosts and hostesses, bartenders, cooks, chefs, anyone working in the restaurant industry directly. These shoes provide more than just anti-slippage perks, a good pair of restaurant shoes can essentially provide support, not lead to fatigue, and even prevent knee or back-related health problems in the future. Some tips that can help you pick the right slip resistant restaurant shoes for your restaurant job or for your restaurant employees are as follows:
  • Check the tread patterns to ensure that the shoes actually are slip resistant because these particular shoes have a tread pattern like small circles, square shapes, or triangles. The tread pattern wears out with repeated use, so keep a check on the tread of your restaurant shoes periodically to ensure that you don’t end up falling or slipping.
  • When you go out to pick a pair of slip-resistant shoes, make sure to wear the same type of socks that you wear to work when trying out the fit. You cannot get a size too big or small, you need the right size to carry on your waiting tables.
  • Always break in your slip-resistant shoes because any pair of shoes matter need breaking in to ensure you don’t end up with blisters all over your feet. The best way to break in your shoes is to wear them around your house, and if you want to start wearing them to work right away, then carry your old shoes too so that you can change midway if your feet feel like they are starting to get burnt out.